As a successful business person you built for yourself a successful reputation on the back of the excellent results of your beauty salon and you would not want to sacrifice this position by failing to get public liability insurance for Beauty Salon. So many things can go wrong in the beauty industry, and everyone knows that a customer can be unhappy – even when what you have done to them is exactly what they asked for! With this in mind, it is of the utmost important that you have the right Public Liability Insurance for Beauty Salon policy in place. Failure to so could well turn around to bite you, and your business.
There are things that occur in a salon that sometimes have nothing to do with the actual type of work that you are carrying out, but still need to be covered by beauty salon insurance. Sometimes it is just the wrong-time-wrong-place happenings that you can end up being held accountable for. A customer can be in your salon and place something of value down somewhere. You or a member of your staff might accidentally break the object by stepping upon it, or knocking it over. Your business is accountable for the cost of replacing this item.
Also, and especially in consideration of the various chemicals that are used in a beauty salon, there is a good chance that clients’ clothes might end up being discoloured by your various products that you use, and so therefore ruined. You will want to be covered if there is a customer who is wearing an expensive item of clothing and wants to make a claim against you.
Public liability insurance policy
This type of insurance policy provides you with the right amount of protection that is needed when a customer turns against you and is not happy with the service and products that you have provided them with. It is a common occurrence for someone to be unhappy, and wanting their money back. This is relatively easy to absorb as a salon; however, should a customer feel that a product that you have used has caused them pain and suffering, perhaps through a rare dermatological reaction that was unforeseeable, then the amount of money that a personal injury claim would cost to defend, plus the compensation money involved, could only really be met by the provider of a good liability insurance policy for beauty salon.
You can obtain comparison quotes for public liability insurance by going online and using the various quote calculators is a great way to agglomerate potential vendors. Make sure you call the companies that you are interested in dealing with, to get a feel for the type of service that they offer – you need to know they will be there and treat you right when you are needing to make a claim.